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LAST CHANCE- Sweet Wormwood

LAST CHANCE- Sweet Wormwood

Regular price $24.00 USD
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Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua), also referred to as "Sweet Annie", is a relative of Wormwood. Not only does it have a wonderful sweet flavor, but it also contains a powerful compound in its leaves called "Artemisinin". Sweet Annie contains antioxidants and has antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiseptic, anthelminthic, and anti-inflammatory properties. 


*Sweet Wormwood, *Gluten-Free Ethanol, Distilled Biophotonic Structured Water   *organic


Intended for internal use. Add to water to take. Further instructions and dosing information can be found on the bottle.

Storage & Shelf Life

Recommended storage: Keep in a cool, dark location away from direct sunlight for optimal preservation for 5+ years.